Stake Musical!!

Me - Ready to Dance

Ready to Dance

On the 22nd of August we went to our stake musical.  A stake musical is where every ward gets given a musical to peform.

My ward (called Mckay) performed the Wizard of Oz.  My uncle’s ward was doing singing in the rain.  My dad’s friend was doing Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.  His name was Tau and he was one of the main characters.  My sister was doing the song Bad by Michael Jackson, I was doing this random song and my mum was doing a song called Switch.  My other sister was a host.  Also Buuj and Nat, her friends, were hosts.  My dad was the manager.

It started at 6:30 sharp, but everyone had to be seated at 10 past 6.  The first song was Michael Jackson’s Thriller, peformed by my uncles and my family.  Also Jane peformed too.  I can’t remember who the first branch (a smaller verson of a ward) was but they performed The Sound of Music.

I can’t remember the order, but when it was our turn I was so nervous.  When I got on stage I was freaking out.  The junior primary just did a dance about one of the wicked witches, the senior primary did a song about OZ.  The whole ward danced with the relief society.  I kind of forgot the dance.

Before our ward went on we did All for One, a song from High School Musical 2.  When our ward was finished we did a song from Hairspray. I can’t remember who the wards were after us.

At the end of the night we packed up.  I went to bed at about 12:30 at night.  I had a fantastic time at the stake musical.

by HemReb

My Garfish and Crab

Garfish & Crab

Garfish & Crab

On Sunday me, my mum and some of my friends went  fishing out at Raglan Wharf.

We didn’t have any success so I went crabbing we caught a HUGE CRAB.  At the end we looked at two boys catching heaps of garfish.  We watched sombody put down one of the garfish.  I asked somebody if I could have one.  He said yes.  Harry asked my mum if he could have one my mum said, “Well you should ask him.”

The weekend after next I am going fishing again at Raglan Wharf and next time we may get a fish.  Next time it may be a Garfish.

by EllLog